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Mentor Hub


Mentor Hub

A space for TechUP Mentors with details and updates relevant to mentoring on current TechUP programmes

Interested in mentoring on our current programme?

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It’s a great opportunity to practise skills at quickly empathising with people, and at understanding the needs of people from lots of different backgrounds

TUW Click Start mentor 2023

Mentors have played a crucial part in the TechUP experience from the start and they continue to make a positive impact on the lives and careers of each incoming cohort of new learners.

Our mentors have established backgrounds in a variety of tech and tech-related roles and are passionate about sharing their knowledge and support with women and non-binary people looking to start careers in the tech industry. We are particularly proud of the graduates from previous TechUP programmes who went on to have successful careers and are now keen to pay it forward by mentoring new generations of talent!

Welcome Event in Durham, 2 March 2024. Photo: Tianyuan Sun

The Programme at a Glance

Mentoring on Click Start begins mid-way through the courses and continues for around 12 weeks, depending on the frequency and length of mentoring sessions.

Due to the possibility of working with potentially vulnerable young adults in our cohorts, we require all our Click Start mentors to be DBS-checked. We arrange the checks free of charge for all candidates who haven’t had it done in the last three years. Read more about how this works in the FAQs below.

Mentoring StartsDurationLog Sheet
July/August and Septemberapprox. 12 weeksdue within 7 days of finishing

Jeff has been an incredible mentor who supported my career planning, shared insights into the IT industry, and provided invaluable assistance in gaining a broad range of knowledge in the area.

I am very grateful for the time and effort he has invested in mentoring me

Alice Lam, TUW Click Start 2024 Graduate, on her Mentor
Welcome Event in Durham, 2 March 2024. Photo: Tianyuan Sun

Become a TechUP mentor now!

Applications for mentors on the 2024 Click Start programme are open


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Mentoring FAQs

Before you start

Ongoing support

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