Celebrations, Cake, and Ceilidh! Graduating from Click Start, TechUP’s free tech course for women
Now in its fifth year, TechUP has much to celebrate, and the graduation of Click Start’s Intake 2 on Friday 21 and Saturday 22 June provided an opportunity to mark this important milestone.

TechUP’s inclusive and nurturing approach was in every detail of this wonderful event. The Celebration event, TechUP’s ‘graduation event,’ recognises every learner who participates; those who successfully complete the course and those who haven’t at the time of the event.
Why does TechUP celebrate every learner? Because in taking the step to apply and engage in the Click Start programme, learners from underserved communities are taking the initiative to design their own future. And we admire their resilience and ambition.
An important factor in the learners’ success is of course the tutors who support them through the taught programme, Uffa Modey, Grace Ademola-Adenle, and Banke Adewale. As Click Start is taught wholly online, the graduating learners were delighted to see them in person, and to have the chance to thank them before moving to the next stage of their future.

Kickstarting the Event
TechUP’s co-founder Professor Alexandra Cristea, opened the Celebration event, heartily welcoming the learners in Intake 2 who had travelled from across the north of England to be there at Durham’s Radisson Hotel.
Alexandra’s words of congratulations were followed by the exciting return of renowned headline speaker, Adah Parris.
Career Coaching, Confidence Building
Adah inspired the learners to re-evaluate their own inner narrative and to accept themselves as they are; to show the same degree of respect to themselves as they would to others.

Following the teaching element of the Click Start programme, learners receive six months of dedicated career support by individually assigned Career Coaches from Catch22.
The Celebration event included a Careers Fair featuring TechUP’s programme partners and supporters, alongside two presentations focusing on apprenticeships, a valuable in-road to career development.
The speakers were Aaron Blenkirron and Phil Miller from Durham County Council, and Emily Nelson, from Durham University’s Computing and Information Services Department, who is also a TechUP Skills Bootcamp Alumna.

Certificates, Capes and Cakes
Professor Sue Black, TechUP’s co-founder, opened the afternoon of the first day, with a compelling message of encouragement to ‘go for it;’ to make the most of opportunities, to trust in themselves, and to enjoy the journey.

Sue and Kimberley Owen, Operations Manager at Catch22, then led the presentation of certificates of participation to all learners. Formal graduation certificates will be issued by post after the event for safe keeping.
The learners were justifiably proud of their achievement, often accomplished alongside jobs, caring responsibilities, or both. Sue and Kimberley were delighted to see 60 cross the stage in their graduation capes to the warm applause of everyone.
Regular coffee and meal breaks were an opportunity for learners to cement the bonds of friendship forged during the course. Everyone involved in the day found their excitement and joy infectious. Much planning goes into the Celebration event, but all that effort is forgotten in the happiness of the occasion.
The afternoon break also provided an opportunity for everyone to mark TechUP’s fifth birthday. While birthday cakes were enjoyed, a special 5th birthday film, TechUP5, premiered showcasing TechUP’s achievements so far.
The afternoon programme rounded off with engaging presentations by TechUP alumna, Ramla Lipstein and tech influencer and software engineer, Mariam Hussein. It was heart-warming to hear the learners debate the pros and cons of various career avenues with the speakers and each other; all of them energised for the next step, with self-assurance and acknowledging their diversity as an asset to them, not a barrier to overcome.

Dinner, Dancing and Day 2
Celebrations carried on into the evening with a formal dinner, an after-dinner speech by Durham University’s incoming Executive Dean, Faculty of Science, Professor Clive Roberts, and dancing until late with Ceilidh band, Endeavour. If you look closely at the band photograph, you might recognise its violinist, Laura Smith from Waterstons, a much-valued supporter.
Day two was at Durham University’s Teaching and Learning Centre where our graduating class networked with new learners. They had professional headshots taken, and attended CV clinics and mock interviews, all designed to prepare them for tech careers.

The two-day event concluded with Catch22’s galvanising Empower Hour with Gareth Moore. Learners got the chance to say farewell to their tutors; and to hear closing words of congratulations from TechUP’s founders.
Our learners’ journeys are just starting but thanks to the growing community of TechUP alumnae, we will remain in touch, and hopefully follow them on whatever paths they choose.
Congratulations to the TechUPWomen of Click Start Intake 2!
We are immensely proud of you all!

Daytime photography by Tianyuan Sun, evening photography by Brandy Zhu